Friday, May 8, 2009

Oliver+S 2+2 Blouse, 2nd try

I finished my short sleeve version of the Oliver + S blouse.

I found that I needed to move the fabric patch up a bit on the front of the shirt. When the bottom of the piece is closer to the gathering it is easier to sew evenly. If you look a t the picture you can see the blue mark below the patch.

I also sewed down the seams 1/8" in the direction that I wanted them to lay. I used an overcast to finish off the edges before I sewed the pieces together.

The best way to contact me is through my flicker account, if you wold like the pdf pattern.


Lou said...

This looks wonderful! Well done!

Unknown said...

Oh my yes!!! Please send me a pdf!!! Thank you for sharing again!

karenk823 (at) hotmail (dot) com

heather said...

I love this. How can I get the pattern?

Cate said...

wow. this is amazing! i was just thinking today of doing this with the ice cream dress. i would LOVE a copy! will blog about it when i make it! you are so talented.