I have bee working on making a 18" doll pattern to match the wonderful
Oliver+ S 2+2 blouse. The pattern went together very nice.
I worked on the front of the doll pattern first. I needed a way to make the small patch at the front of the blouse small for the doll size. The
pincushion caddies that I have been
making uses foil to make a nice circle for the bottom of the caddy. I thought that this might work for the small patch.
First I cut a piece from a recycled cereal box a scant 1"x2 5/8", then I cut the fabric 1 1/2"x 3 1/8" (about 1/4" larger on all sides) and put them on top a piece of foil that was approximately 1/4" larger an all sides. Then I tightly folded the foil on the long sides and then the short sides.

Then iron it. The foil is very hot after and needs to cool before taking the little package apart.

After taking the cardboard out I used wash away wonder tape to tape the patch down before top stitching it.

It worked great. I am going to try making the patch this way for the next girls size that I make. For me the corners came out better that turning the fabric.

I am still working on the pattern for the doll size, but it should be done soon. I need to round the bottom of the shirt. I am going to make a Bitty Baby pattern also. My daughter just got one and she asked if this shirt was for her baby Emma doll.